Pkcs11Interop  5.1.2
* Copyright 2012-2021 The Pkcs11Interop Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Written for the Pkcs11Interop project by:
* Jaroslav IMRICH <>
using NUnit.Framework;
// Note: Code in this file is maintained manually.
namespace Net.Pkcs11Interop.Tests.HighLevelAPI
/// <summary>
/// Pkcs11Library constructor, dispose, initialize and finalize tests.
/// </summary>
public class _01_InitializeTest
/// <summary>
/// Basic constructor and dispose test.
/// </summary>
public void _01_BasicPkcs11DisposeTest()
// Unmanaged PKCS#11 library is usually loaded by the constructor of class implementing IPkcs11Library interface.
// Every PKCS#11 library needs to be initialized with C_Initialize method which is also called automatically by the constructor mentioned above.
IPkcs11Library pkcs11Library = Settings.Factories.Pkcs11LibraryFactory.LoadPkcs11Library(Settings.Factories, Settings.Pkcs11LibraryPath, Settings.AppType);
// Do something interesting
// Unmanaged PKCS#11 library is usually unloaded by Dispose() method of class implementing IPkcs11Library interface.
// C_Finalize should be the last call made by an application and it is also called automatically by Dispose() method mentioned above.
/// <summary>
/// Using statement test.
/// </summary>
public void _02_UsingPkcs11DisposeTest()
// Instance of class implementing IPkcs11Library interface can be used in using statement
// which defines a scope at the end of which an object will be disposed.
using (IPkcs11Library pkcs11Library = Settings.Factories.Pkcs11LibraryFactory.LoadPkcs11Library(Settings.Factories, Settings.Pkcs11LibraryPath, Settings.AppType))
// Do something interesting
/// <summary>
/// Example for single-threaded applications.
/// </summary>
public void _03_SingleThreadedInitializeTest()
// If an application will not be accessing PKCS#11 library from multiple threads simultaneously,
// it should specify "AppType.SingleThreaded" as a value of "appType" parameter.
using (IPkcs11Library pkcs11Library = Settings.Factories.Pkcs11LibraryFactory.LoadPkcs11Library(Settings.Factories, Settings.Pkcs11LibraryPath, AppType.SingleThreaded))
// Do something interesting
/// <summary>
/// Example for multi-threaded applications.
/// </summary>
public void _04_MultiThreadedInitializeTest()
// If an application will be accessing PKCS#11 library from multiple threads simultaneously,
// it should specify "AppType.MultiThreaded" as a value of "appType" parameter.
// PKCS#11 library will use the native operation system threading model for locking.
using (IPkcs11Library pkcs11Library = Settings.Factories.Pkcs11LibraryFactory.LoadPkcs11Library(Settings.Factories, Settings.Pkcs11LibraryPath, AppType.MultiThreaded))
// Do something interesting
/// <summary>
/// Example for libraries that support C_GetFunctionList()
/// </summary>
public void _05_Pkcs11WithGetFunctionListTest()
// Before an application can perform any cryptographic operations with PKCS#11 library
// it has to obtain function pointers for all the Cryptoki API routines present in the library.
// This can be done either via C_GetFunctionList() function or via platform specific native function - GetProcAddress() on Windows and dlsym() on Unix.
// InitType enum can be used to specify which approach should be used.
using (IPkcs11Library pkcs11Library = Settings.Factories.Pkcs11LibraryFactory.LoadPkcs11Library(Settings.Factories, Settings.Pkcs11LibraryPath, Settings.AppType, InitType.WithFunctionList))
// Do something interesting
/// <summary>
/// Example for libraries that do not support C_GetFunctionList()
/// </summary>
public void _06_Pkcs11WithoutGetFunctionListTest()
// Before an application can perform any cryptographic operations with PKCS#11 library
// it has to obtain function pointers for all the Cryptoki API routines present in the library.
// This can be done either via C_GetFunctionList() function or via platform specific native function - GetProcAddress() on Windows and dlsym() on Unix.
// InitType enum can be used to specify which approach should be used.
using (IPkcs11Library pkcs11Library = Settings.Factories.Pkcs11LibraryFactory.LoadPkcs11Library(Settings.Factories, Settings.Pkcs11LibraryPath, Settings.AppType, InitType.WithoutFunctionList))
// Do something interesting